pet online vet mobile video app virtual prescription 24/7 on demand

Vetibility is an application-based platform offering affordable on-demand veterinary telemedicine services, connecting pet owners with a licensed veterinarian in their region right from their mobile device or computer. We act as third-party service provider for veterinarians and established veterinary clinics, enabling them to offer telemedicine services.

Try Vetibility risk-free today!

If the attending veterinarian determines your pet requires immediate in-person care within the first few minutes of your telemedicine consultation, you will be reimbursed your appointment fee in full.

In addition to being able to request on-demand telemedicine appointments, our free application lets you create pet profiles to record your pet’s diet, current medications, previous medical history, or vaccine records, and even sends reminders when their vaccines are coming due. Even if we don’t offer services in your region, you’re welcome to use our application to keep your pet’s health information all in one place and readily available at your fingertips.

Whether you’ve noticed new symptoms, have questions about a previously diagnosed condition, or are wondering how to best care for a new pet, the trusted veterinarians on our platform can help! They can diagnose, prescribe medications, guide you on what to watch for, or direct you to your nearest emergency clinic should your pet actually require in person care. We recognize telemedicine as one component of complete veterinary care and, as such, always provide comprehensive medical records to you, your regular veterinarian, and your local emergency clinic, if necessary.


A telemedicine consultation with a veterinarian is $67.50 + applicable taxes. There are no hidden fees or additional service charges. Pricing is based off of regional Suggested Fee Guides.

If your regular veterinary clinic is a part of the Vetibility Clinic Network (VCN), you can specifically request one of their veterinarians. Pricing through the VCN is set by each clinic and may vary.

Download the App

Ready to take the next step in supporting your pet’s health? Download our free mobile application and get started today!

Available on iOS and Android.

Don’t like downloading Apps? Use our in-browser Web App on any mobile device, laptop, or desktop computer!

About Us

Vetibility was created in an effort to make trustworthy veterinary care with regionally licensed vets easily accessible and affordable to pet owners, while providing veterinarians a simple way to offer their services through an accredited facility at their convenience. Our vision for the future of veterinary medicine is one where all members of the public have equitable access to high-quality veterinary care and where members of the veterinary profession can maintain a sustainable level of service, without compromising their own well-being. We aim to modernize veterinary medicine and help meet the growing demand for veterinary care, while upholding the standards established by the profession and that are expected by the general public.


We’re here to help. If you require technical assistance, please email